The Dream of an 11-Year-Old Boy
is Now a Reality!
The idea is simple. Design and build a new class of, stable, dual-occupant watercraft small enough to take anywhere, but also capable of providing a wide variety of boating opportunities.
Enter Clayton Turney, BC-born inventor and boating enthusiast who’d been thinking about boats since he was 11 years old. The Zingy ideas came to him while sitting on sandy beaches at Savary Island in BC's beautiful Georgia Strait. His design foundations were versatility and safety. Eco-friendliness and economical operations became important criteria. Then came unsinkability and, overall, a boat that would feel approachable to kids, teens and other novice boaters, easy to handle and — most of all — fun.
To meet Clayton’s other criteria for success, Zingys had to be easily stored in a garage, easy to move, easy to get in the water, easy to get out of the water. And each Zingy had to be constructed from the highest quality materials, following the strictest attention to detail. Ultimately, the boats had to appeal to the saltiest sailor and his mother, too.
We invite you to trawl around this site and learn more about this exciting new class of personal sport boat.